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Die Welt des Wolfs

A Spiritual Song


I am just old and even ill,
but have some task still to full-fill:
Until I (can) get finally free,
must die the dragon I can see.

I have to fight against the gravity,
it draws me down and breaks my knee,
and have to overcome the night,
which darkens me my inner sight.

When I will reach the final door,
there will be standing the drake before,
I will feed him with my skin and bones,
but save (beware)the pit, which is in my soul.

Not what I gained from things and goods,
not what I did and understood,
only the seed is what I will keep
to sow it in the sky, when I will leave.

Outside the dark and without the weight
there it will rise up in its holy light
and, while growing towards the sun,
it will heal me to start a new run.